One of the important goals of afterschool programs are to help children acquire social skills.


the afterschool care program at Seedling Nature Schools

Children’s time after school accounts for a significant part of their day and is critical for their healthy and balanced development. At seedling nature schools we observe how the children thrive wile forging new friendships and challenging themselves to try new skills. Every interest, every personality and every level of ability is served by the outdoor environment and each child can quickly find their own way of being and learning.


We take bookings for 3 days or more from either 13:20 to 18:00 or 14:20 to 18:00

There is a limited number of spaces available for one hour only from 13:20 to 14:20.

This service can be booked for 5 days only.


If you’re ready for more info, we’d love for you to come visit us

Individualised care

Our afterschool school program includes:

Afterschool age groups

The interaction between children of different ages along with the low ratios helps create a home-like atmosphere. We’re like a big family. Our two Afterschool groups are from Junior Infants to second class and third class to sixth class. Where necessary we keep the age groups flexible in order keep siblings or friends together.  Our programme includes varied activities which offer new challenges to all of our children, each at their own level.

Our Afterschoolers enjoy a lot of freedom. They choose to rest or be active, to play together or alone, to take part in organised activities or think up their own games. Different areas bring different opportunities:


The Seedling Nature Schools curriculum include preschool Practices that offer hands-on approaches to encourage the skills your child will need:


we meet kids where they are.