education at Seedling Nature Schools
Early Childhood Development is critically important. At seedling nature schools, we observe how the children’s balance improves within the first few weeks of navigating the uneven surfaces, how they thrive emotionally and socially in the outdoor environment and how each child can quickly find their own way of learning. Every interest, every personality and every level of ability is served by the outdoor environment.
Individualised Care
Our free ECCE preschool program includes:
- A boost in confidence, resilience and sense of self
- Improved physical skills, physical health, independence and concentratio
- Increased vocabulary, excellent shape and pattern recognition
- Story-telling, story acting, art-making, painting, songs and music
- Learn how to learn
- Outdoor learning as a main priority, with some indoor experiences (e.g. one day per week)

Preschool Progression
The children naturally progress from the first to the second ECCE year. We place an emphasis on
- Differentiated learning – every child at their own level and pace
- Learning through experience including discovery play, exploration and risk taking
- Independence skills such as toileting, hygiene and eating
- Language learning and expressing their thoughts, ideas and needs
- Building up their physical skills of jumping, running, navigating uneven ground, climbing etc
School Readiness
Research suggests that the most important skills for school readiness have to do with children’s independence, their social skills, their confidence and emotional maturity. This is how Seedling Nature Schools help children to be ready for school:
- Meaningful pre-literacy, pre-numeracy and pre-science experience every day
- Games and activities for social, emotional and physical school readiness
- Endless incentives to improve gross and fine motor skills (e.g. for writing)
- We encourage children to take responsibility for their own things, to be aware of their needs and know when and how to ask for help.
- We challenge them to try for themselves and give them the tips and tricks needed to try harder
- Our Preschool does not focus on colouring in, formal weekly letters or numbers. Unless a child shows a natural interest early on, we believe that jolly phonics and co at preschool age take the fun out of it for the Junior and Senior Infant stages.
When teachers are asked about the most important things new Junior Infants need, they list simple skills such as opening the lunchbox, putting on their own coat and bag, asking for help and knowing how to play with friends.